1. Always buy henna powder which is kind of fresh. When the girlfriend is not used for a long time, it loses its ability to provide a good spot. dark brownish-green henna is the best. Do not buy a girlfriend who looks too green because it may have added dyes to make it look fresh. Make sure that the henna powder is pre-filtered to better effect. If you want to do body art, then screening is a necessity. If you have more than henna powder, then store it in the freezer to last you until one year.
2. Use a teaspoon to transfer the henna powder into a mixing bowl. A teaspoon would be enough for a design that is very small. Similarly, add more henna powder for more intricate designs. If you want to dye your hair, then 100gm will be enough to chin length hair. Continue adding more powder for long hair. Even if the paste is left, still in the freezer and use it back on when you dye your hair.

3. Add liquid acid like orange juice to the mixture is stirred. Make a paste thin enough to distance themselves from the dripping. Add a little acid at a time. Make a smooth paste without any lumps. When applying to the hair, you can add some water to help to cover uniforms hair. But for body art, consistency should be How to Make Henna thick.
4. Add something sweet like sugar. Add little by little until you get the texture of yarn. The goal is to be able to draw long lines without interruption. But if you want to use henna paste as a dye for hair, then there is no need to add sugar.
4. Add something sweet like sugar. Add little by little until you get the texture of yarn. The goal is to be able to draw long lines without interruption. But if you want to use henna paste as a dye for hair, then there is no need to add sugar.

5. The next step is to add essential oils like lavender to darken the color of henna. The oil used must be safe for the skin and rich terpinols. 1-3 drops enough oil and the resulting paste should be smooth and thick.
6. It's time to allow his girlfriend to release dye. Wrap with plastic or foil and cover the bowl of paste. Keep checking every few hours for brown skin to form on top. Do not let the drops or puddles to form such states the loss of potential boyfriends. A dark brown color will not dye very well. You will be able to know the exact time with experience. A low pH and heat will help speed up the process. Similarly, placing it outside in the cold night will slow down the process.
7. Now the henna paste is ready, you can use it to dye your hair or for body art. If you do not want to use it now, then place in a sealed container and freeze. When using it on your hair, you can add a conditioner such as olive oil, egg whites, yogurt or other natural products.

Make the most of the henna paste and you will feel pleased with your efforts. This great color will continue to look great for several months at a stretch.
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